I´m finishing the semester, and also my English class. This expierence to write a blog have been so amazing because I can practice my English writting about things that are related to technology, personal interests, life experiences and the most importan: things related with my career. I think that this way of learning and practice English is very interactive because in the same time that we learn and practice English we learn about our career. In my case, I really loved to writte about pregnancy, delivery and post delivery because I learned about terminology in English that I know in Spanish, so this will help me in te future if I have to attend to a patient that speaks English for example, or if I travel to another country to specialize me where the people speak English.
Sometimes, It made me a bit difficult writte in the blog because I think that we didn´t have enough time in class to finishing it, so the most of the time I must do it very fast, even sometimes I had to finish the blogg in my house. I think that in the future we could prepare the blog with more time, and in that way qe could deppen more in the topic that we are talking.
I think that learn English is something very important. Right now, we are living in a world where the English is te universal speaking language, so personally I love to learn English, and also I´m grateful to the university for be worried about our integral education doing this subjet of English.
I hope that in the future, the pre-intermediate level classes keep doing this kind of tool so funny like make a blog, and also spread the blogs in all the university community. I really like doing my blog! and I hope keep doing it in the future :D
My academic year...
Hace 15 años
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