I like to visit a web page, this is
www.padresok.com/paginas/Embarazo.cfm/, and I foun

ded last satuday when I was making a work for the university. This web page it`s about everything that you need to know about pregnancy from the conception to delivery. It has a lot of topic, like information about pregnancy, before delivery, delivery and post delivery. In each topic there is many tips, for example, in post delivery it says how you can have a delivery without stress, and in pregnancy how you can make excersice for you health and your baby health. Also, I can browse in the web page and found more information about other topics like education, health, free time, be fathers, be a woman and fertility. It´s so complete! This page it´s not only for obstetrics student like me, everyone can get a lot of information if they need it, so, if everyone want to know about this kind of information, this is the right page! I recommend it.
ResponderEliminarthis webside it's so nice I look it and I think it's so good
ok see you later
good bye
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ResponderEliminarHi this is a really interesting webside, not only for the obstetrician because this page informs us to kwon about an important step of our life that is be parents and for a women have a baby, obviously I will use this information many years after :P
ResponderEliminarkisses bye bye