Sir Ken Robinson in his conference discusses the problems with traditional education, and how it must change to meet the needs of present and future. In his talk raises the idea that at the present time the schools are killing creativity in their students. He founded this idea by saying that education given in schools tend to develop only certain areas in the students, like language, history, science and mathematics, and that other areas like arts, dance or music are neglected.
I´m totally agree with Sir Ken Robinson. In my case, when I was in school the art area was completly neglected. In fact, in high school I never had a music class because I should choose between arts or music, and I decided for arts. This hapenned because the teacher said that we must put more attention in maths, science, history and language.I think that if we want to be an integral human been, we must develop all areas that make the human been complete.
Also people tends to stigmatises these more humanistic areas, and do not let the students develop this skills, prohibited form doing what they want.
Other factor is that schools do not give room for mistakes, and show them like the worst thing in the world; this is why children are afraid of making mistakes. Robinson says that if you aren´t prepared to fail, you wouldn´t be an original person, with identity.
I think that we have a mission. We must be aware of all these aspect of education and make something better, we have to promote human imagination and not let education kill them
My academic year...
Hace 15 años